People need money. Like me too., of course I need money, I’m a people. Who doesn’t? well, I’ve heard that money cannot buy you happiness, but money makes the world goes around. Money cannot buy you happiness, but it fulfill many of your desires, and thus it makes you happy. Well, but it doesn’t mean that money is everything, but somehow money is very very very important. But money cannot give you EVERYTHING you want like peacefulness and pure happiness. But how can money not be my priority when at the age near 26, I just managed to hold a good job, yet face many difficulties and desires and hope to be fulfill? Hope and desires that can only be fulfill with money and it become more hurt for me as at this age I already have debt. My education loan, my car and people’s loan especially my parents. When I said to my friends about my spending habit where I choose only the cheapest and I always have doubt to buy, he said I’m a stingy person and I should not do that. He says money can always b...
Life is wonderful