Are you kind a person who easily jump into conclusion? Ok, let say, you meet a person who her parking skill is bad, so, without knowing her, without even say hello, you just says this to her, ‘are you paying for your license ( means that you are getting your license not in right way by paying your instructor so that your license is approved ?) I stumbled this kind a person yesterday. Luckily I am not that kind a person who can answer back immediately, or there might be war. Just because you have a good car (by the way, it just vios, many people have it, and it still belongs to the bank, and within 7 years, many things could happen) and mine is MYVI, which I am very proud of it, it doesn’t serve you right to say that, to jump into conclusion to sarcastically says that easily. You do not even know me. I found it very rude. I have been in this situation, unable to park when the place is too crowded, but instead of getting sarcasm remarks, that person, offer me to help. That is cou...
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