Is it possible? Well, it is, through loan, and with the magic of credit card, the loan are easily accessible. It is a wonderful thing. To easily get the things that I want with this plastic card. The joy is even though momentarily only, but because of the temptation, just use the card will bring happiness. Why do I talk about this.... because I'm in the middle of the process of doing it, wanted to spend the money that I do not have... But, the truth is, I've used it many times. Like, my study for degree that I got help from education loan that I still paying until now, my car, my house, and some other things. So, it is not weird. But, there is a danger behind it, especially when the person who doing the loan unable to pay for it. Then, there will be a problem. I know about prudent spending, and how the situations are currently and the need to think about the future. I know all that, but, why the heart still do not want to listen? Now, in times like this, I feel jealous ...
Life is wonderful