13 Brutal Truths that no one wants to face ( but will change your life ) :

 Disclaimer ; These writing isn't mine. It is from twitter . 



1. . No one is coming to save you No one is going to come and help you and save you from the cruel world. It'll be up to you to make it out on your own, just like everyone else. You are responsible for your own success. If you want something, you have to go out and get it.


2.  The past is already written Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Make the past better by looking at things from a different perspective. Even the most horrible things can have a positive side if you are willing to see it.


 3. Tomorrow is not guaranteed Tomorrow is a day that comes with its own set of uncertainties. Live in the present moment and act now, because that is where progress is made.


 4. Just because you’re “Busy” doesn’t mean you’re accomplishing more Stop bragging about your multitasking skills—you're fooling yourself. Changing tasks without reason wastes time, and stress, and may lead to mistakes. Avoid multitasking by grouping similar tasks.


5.  Failure can cross your path anytime No matter your skill or effort, you will fail. Ability, talent, and preparation can reduce failure but not eliminate it. The tide can turn against you at any time. Brace yourself for shocks and unexpected events.


6.  Doing is more important than knowing True knowledge is gained through doing and experiencing what you've studied or read about. You can know all you want, but you won't be able to accomplish much unless you get out there and soak up as much as you can.


7.  You don't have to please everyone You will come across people criticizing what you do and how you do it. There is only one person you must please, and that is yourself. The only way to be truly happy is to be true to yourself and to do things that will make you happy.


8.  Excuses make you smaller If you’re making excuses instead of owning up to your mistakes, you’re saying that you’re not smart enough or competent enough to do what’s required. When you make excuses, you’re basically telling everyone around you that they can’t rely on you.


9.  Happiness is a choice, Not circumstantial When you wake up in the morning, you have a choice: to be grumpy and miserable or happy and grateful. When you are at work, you have a choice: to complain about the things you don’t like or appreciate the things you do.


10.   You’ll never find the perfect time start You'll miss opportunities and fall behind the people who are getting ahead of you. You will always find reasons not to start it, but the only way to make progress in your life is to push past the excuses and just start.


11.   Some people are going to be more successful than you Some people have more privileges than you. You have what you have and it is all good. Instead, strive to be grateful for what you do have and take pride in what you've accomplished.


12.  You don't need to be famous to have an impact You may never be a celebrity, but that doesn't mean you can't have meaningful relationships, just like them! The best way to positively impact someone else is to be genuinely interested in them and what they have to say.


13.   Your expectation is what cause disappointments Stop having expectations without any real reason or motivation. If you expect more, you end up being more disappointed. If you expect less, you end up being happier.


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