We are allowed to leave when we are uncomfortable ....

Do you leave a place where you are not comfortable with? I am ... I am good with running from people and places that I feel that I am not comfortable with. I know, at times, my attitude is wrong, but I find that I should feel good instead of stress out being with people that I think may not like me or usually because I have bitter experience with them ...

That is why my friend always told me not to think about it, ignore it and do something else, as I am a person who like to over thinking and end up with nothing ... so, I found out that is useless ... so, it is better for me to think positively and do something that is good for me ...

The thing is, I am the one who lost, because of this .. I do not know whether it is call anxiety or what, but my calmness and happiness is much more important than struggling to be with people who hurt me.

I know with the term, people change, and I should too, and now, I am building myself so I can be more confident and happy.


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