The Things about being a grown up

You have to bite your tongue, and keep on walking ... because the reality is hurt, you will meet people who hurt you, used you but still you are going to meet people who lift you up ... But usually, the one that hurt you, you will be affected he most. But the one who makes you smile and your life easy, you forget about them .. that's why people said, no matter how much goodness you do in your life, because of one mistake you do, that is what people will remember the most.

As an introvert who thinks too much, who keep everything in herself, I found it hard to deal with negative people, it really hard. I envy those who able to keep on going, happily without a trace of low self esteem despite the things that they do. I envy those people, because I am not like that.

Well, each people has their own attitude, but certain attitude will eat them alive if they do not learn to fight it, to face it. It is inside that matters, because what you feel inside will materialize in the outside.


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