It's not easy to earn money

I was surprised to see some people manage to save more than 20% of his salary ... even a single person like me find it hard, but to see and know some people able to do it, it amazes me. Maybe because of my greed and spending habits cause me this problems ...

Some people will say it is not about how much money you make, but how much money you can save. The things are, the life seems to demand so many things from me, a good cloth, a comfortable house,  a nice car, and the list could go on and on and in the process I spend all the money I earn, I furthering the time I should work, because I need to earn money to pay the expenses, especially the loan and the interest. There is two parts of me, one says, spend, one say, save, and usually the spend will win and I abide the command to spend. The thing is, when I look back how bad I am at managing money, I kind lost a lot of things, like time to retire early and need to work until I reach my retirement age. I kind see what will happen when people do not have a good money management skill, and the consequences are bad, and yet, i still do the same mistake. 

... and as I grow older, I find it become harder to save because it seems like there are so many things I want to have that I should get. Well, I know that is not a good habit, but, it really hard to save. I also grow an interest in traveling and go places , see new people and gain new experiences. I need to look back of my life and my finances so I won't regret when I am old, and said ... if only I do this ...

I need to work harder on my job and at same time work hard in achieving my ambition, to retire comfortable with a healthy body and mind.


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