It's 2018, what I have learnt in 2017

2017 has been a very challenging year to me, heartache, difficulties, and yet dreams are fulfilled .... But there are so many things I learn and one of the most profound thing I learnt is that whatever your circumtances are, do not stop ... do not stop do what are good for you ... just don't ...keep on moving and avoid things that make you uncomfortable ...even though at times, you have to lie about it, in order to avoid conflict within yourself and of course people surround you.

One thing I learn is that in life, you will meet people that make you feel uncomfortable, depending on your situation, some people you will face head on, but as I do not like confrontation, I will try my hardest to avoid it, even though in the end I feel left out, but I fill it up with something else ... be creative, don't caught up with your feelings of pity and sadness, because there are so many new things you can learn to do and focus .. like learning to budgeting and focusing to improve your finances than trying to kiss up someone that you do not know what will bring to you ... the key here is focus o yourself, but do not be selfish as to avoid your responsibility to your organisation that you work with.

Trust me, people will betray you, hurt you in ways you do not understand why, and then, you will start feel heartache, wondering what you did wrong ... well, when you look at the wrongs that you did, you will find a lot and then you will said to yourself, if only , if only, but here the bad news, the 'if only' that you keep thinking bring you nothing good at all, so, ignore it, and think something else ...because it has happened, and there is no way to turn things around ... it is either you want to fix it, be thick face, or avoid it ... as for me, I avoid it, because I do not have the strength to waste my energy on people who will drain my energy. It is ok, I let them win and I am the loser one, but I know, I do something else much better for me.... Why hanging on to something that you realize do not bring anything good to you  when you can only focus on something else?

That's what happen to me in 2017, when I found out that friends have used me, betrayed me and even though they tried to make up to me, I said and told myself, enough is enough ... I do not need them ... and for me, what I have done to them was much more than what they did to me .. and true enough, they did contacted me, try to fix what has been broken, but I stay strong to myself, only talk when necessary and reply when needed and do not be the old me, and I do something else, and in the end, I accomplish many great things ....

I met new great friends, new experiences, less heartache, and prosperity too...  If they know what I accomplish without them, I want them to know, hey, you treated me like crap after what I did to you, and see, what I have achieved without me consulting any of you .... Truth to be told, I do not want to be  near to any one of you as all of you have bring me misery and anxiety and so I wish to go far away from you . So, I will not hurt myself anymore and of course the people around me .

Whatever has happened, has happened, let it go, and this year, I wish for more confidence and success, healthier and happy me ... I do not want to get involved with people as I did in my previous year and focus on me instead. I know it selfish, but it needed, so I feel happy and and no more heartache anymore.


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