Appreciate a little things in life

Life is not always about a big picture or what lies ahead ... Life is also about all small things that we do in life ...

Wake up at 6 am every morning, praying, hoping, telling the One, and do the things that we normally do, boil water, make breakfast, clean up the mess, and if you have cildren, oh, how wonderful it is to wake up with your own, the gift of life...

Well, not all can have all that, so, be appreciate all the things that you and I have. I wont way it a little because some one or some one else will not see it as small ...

A comfortable bed, food, clean water, parents, air to breath, healthy body, a laptop, an internet... so many to list , thus, I am thankful to be wake up this beautiful morning with a faith, with a roof under my head, food, water, to live my life. Life is beautiful .... and I am thankful for it.


Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

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