Once a while

Once a while, people faced a thing or things that she didn't like or make a decision that she doesn't understand why she makes that decision in the first place.

Once a while, that same person will feel hurt and looking and finding ways to correct it ....or maybe find a person that might understand her without the need to jump into conclusion or relate it to any experiences that the supposed listener has or have.

Once in a while, that girl went nuts and said the things that she should not and after that she regret it.

Because it happen to human. Human that has the weaknesses and always in need of help from people surround them.

But it will be impossible to expect them to understand, so, the only solutions that the person has is to be strong by herself, make a wise decision, be strong and move on. But always remember, we all have Allah, the God that you and I can always turn to.


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