Have a lovely days

I got this tips from facebook on how to have  a lovely days ... well, I think it also tips that i must in everybody lives in order to get a great life...

 Do these even though you are having a lot of problems and the thought of smiling is also hard let alone to do it, but when you do something nice, nice things will come to you. I have to do this, so that I also will have lovely day, every day... 

For a people who are scared of confrontation like me, accepting things as it is is much easier than talk or even face it, but, it will come a time that I need to face it. This thought always come to the mind, how can I smile after all this or with these problems that I face? But believe that you have a great mind that can help you solved the problems and trust it and move it through... 

Have a lovely days everyone....


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