A new beginning

Sometimes the things you see is not that only, there can be a stories behind it. Example, received a present from someone you believe that hardly gives you anything. Well, apparently the person do not give the present just out of curiosity, but because there is this hidden messages behind it. Maybe the giver wants you to accompany him or her to some place. The giver might not say it directly or maybe a week later or maybe a month later, but the good deed that the person has bestowed upon you should be replied by agreeing to his or her wishes. By this way if you reject it, you will be haunted by the feeling of guilty.

In my case, ohh... i do not know what to explain. I do not even know who to trust. What you see is not exactly what that is. But it is ok, it is all in the past now. Now it is new beginning for me... A new place and a new experiences awaiting me.... yes..

It is like I never encounter new places and new experiences, the experiences doesn't scare me, but I kind felt down was what people do. Someone told me "You cannot trust anyone" and now I know why and for me, people only have their interest at heart and to get where they want to go, they will do anything even to sacrifice anything. Wow what a people.

But life is more than that. I want a lot of things to, but I do not want to be a person who used other people to get what they want. I do not think it is right. But, well what do I know, I'm just a normal people.
But now for me to embrace my new beginning, I have to let go my past and maybe close my ties with few people. I am strong, but I kind nice people. So should I try be mean now?


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