
In my quest to find how to be rich, to be financially independent, to be able to settel my loans fast, I discover, no magic formula, except that I found this harsh word that is FRUGALITY.  I have to live frugally in order to achieve my financial goals. That's goes my dreams to do so many things if I want to achieve my financial goals.

It makes me felt very sad and burden. As much as I wan to do and have so many things, I have to delay it until I really stable. Thinking back, the loans that I have now already burdensome to me, I cannot adding more debts.

 Then, the other important matter is discipline. It takes a lot of discipline to achieved my goals. But my questions is, should I sacrifice to the extent of making me feels miserable, as long as I follow this rule? Like example, I have a problem with housemate, so I decided to stay alone, and I know I save money more if I share, but it will make me miserable as my previous experiences has taught me very bitter experiences.

To end my writing, this I quote

Creating wealth is sort of like dieting.Everybody wants the end result but the discipline to achieve that result is usually lacking.Oh, if only there were a magic pill that you could take to lose weight or to create wealth without changing your habits. We would all be rich.FRUGALITY...FRUGALITY...FRUGALITY. It takes discipline.Contrary to certain opinions i.e. revews posted here, you don't need "a wad" to do this.However, by following these concepts, you will soon have a wad.There is no level of income that you can't outspend and yet most of us feel that we have an unlimited supply of cash.You would think that considering the ever increasing number of bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures not to mention company downsizings that people would have learned by now. Peer pressure...keeping up with the Jone's drives many people to live beyond their means. Remember this: when your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will become your downfall.DELAY GRATIFICATION. Pay yourself first. Invest and then buy toys with the profits.
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The Millionaire Next Door: Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy


Sell Gold said…
Magic formula is nothing than to store gold and sell that in future when price goes higher.

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