Having a taste of being a single mom….

A recent problem arised at home…. And now my nephew and niece are at home, staying with my parents, and went to school at mt parents place. The scenario isn’t pretty.

As my parents going to visit my other brother for a few days, now, I have to take care of these children. It was tough and I salute parents out there. Even to take care of these children, there were times I felt so angry and my voice rise. Then, it struck me….

These children, they already in trauma after having so many things happened and I adding more stress in their life. I pity with them, I do… but it not easy.

I also realizing the situation that my parents has to go through. Life will not be simpler as it used to. We have to do a lot adjustment and chamges. It seems that this year will be another year full of challenges and hopes.

Praying and hoping that everything will went smoothly and succesfully. 


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