What the meaning of being passionate for me

I never think really serious about the importance of being passionate and this week I have been given a wake up call why I need to be passionate and if not I will be doom. Easy simple, like maintaining this blog, I should be more passionate or else this blog is left unattended. Well, my passion is not writing but making money through Internet has make me started this blog and really to looking find ways and means to earn money through internet and that kept me going on even though the success is not yet to come.

I am a future teacher. But just being a practical teacher currently has tested my patient a lot. Once when I was driving my motorcycle, I realized that if I do not feel any passionate toward my current job I will hate my job forever, and that will make me stress and having a lot of problems. Who will like to do something that they don’t want to do. Moreover my scope of work is dealing with the future generations to impart them a knowledge and if I do not it correctly and with a lot of enthusiasm, then I will put these pupils in dangerous, as they should be learn and having fun and lesson of life from teachers, but because of me these children are deprived from their chances. I do not want to be that kind of teacher.

By being passionate I will do work more diligently and work harder. I will look for ways and means to improve myself as a teacher and educator. By become passionate also help me not to feel hopeless or bored.

But the truth is at first I do not looking forward to be a teacher. There were history behind it, but I do not want to torture myself. I want to be happy and feel grateful for what I have. Life is a very long journey where in the middle of the road there will always be a windy, raining or even storm that will challenge myself as a human. But life is not easy, but me myself will make it more difficult if I’m kept complaining and find mistake to blame on other things rather than accepting and then find a means to fight and overcome it.

Whatever it is I should and must keep going, feel thankful and grateful for the things that I have been given. I must always keep thinking positive, be calm and do not think unnecessary things.


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