Tips law of Attraction
Our "reality" today is nothing more than the result of how we have been flowing our energy up to this point by using our feelings. Good, bad, or indifferent - YOU are the only one responsible for where your life is right now. The great news is that it doesn't MATTER where your life is right now! By flowing your energy differently from now on and only feeling positive emotions, you can literally create your tomorrow to be whatever you want it to be!
Focus on what you want in life as if you already had it. Do whatever it takes to create the positive emotional state that you will experience when you actually have whatever it is that you desire. Do this as opposed to focusing on what you DON'T want! For example: If you want to lose weight, don't say "I want to lose weight". All that does is remind you that you think you weigh too much! Instead, picture in your mind how you will look when you get to your goal weight, and imagine how great that will make you feel. This creates positive energy flow, rather than the habitual negative energy flow that automatically comes forth when you say "I want to lose weight". No matter what it is that you desire, you must create the positive emotional energy associated with already having that thing, which will ultimately attract that thing right to you!
Never ever worry about HOW you are going to get what you want! This one misconception is responsible for a large portion of the failure that exists in our society today. The idea behind the Law of Attraction is that you flow positive energy out into the Universe by having feelings of success, happiness, and fulfillment when you visualize the things that you want to get out of life. The Universe will provide the things that you "feel" about, but it will not work if you worry about how it is all going to happen, or even IF it is going to happen. Doubt breeds insecurity and lack of focus. KNOW that you will get what you want, and leave the details of HOW it is going to happen to the power of the Universe!
Always remember that negative energy is created by your reaction to something. No matter how justified you may be in getting angry or upset about something, your justification means nothing to the Universe. You will create damaging negativity that directly affects you in a negative manner - no matter how justified you were for getting upset in the first place.Check this out
Always remember that negative energy is created by your reaction to something. No matter how justified you may be in getting angry or upset about something, your justification means nothing to the Universe. You will create damaging negativity that directly affects you in a negative manner - no matter how justified you were for getting upset in the first place.
Feel good even when you don't FEEL like feeling good. In fact, the more you don't want to be positive, the greater the need for you to BE positive! When life has you down and all you want to do is curl into a ball and hide - that is when you need positive energy the most. Even if you have to take baby steps to work your way back into the light - DO IT!
Focus intense emotional happiness and positive vibrations on your true desires in life as often as you can. The Law of Attraction works on a cumulative scale. The more you vibrate in a truly positive manner, the faster you get what you want. There are no "rules" that say how often or for how long you should undertake these activities, but it is clear that the more often you do it, the better. It is not possible to feel positive TOO
often! At least 15 continuous, uninterrupted minutes per day is recommended, and more than that is even better.
Don't jump to "take action" every time something doesn't go your way in life. Our habits have been formed in such a way that we think the only way to "fix" something is to take massive action against it. Not true! By taking massive action, all we are doing is continuing to convince ourselves that the problem must be huge. Instead, focus on the positive opposite of that problem, and a solution will present itself - without you continuing to create negative energy by taking massive action against that thing.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to turn a negative situation around is to simply SMILE. We're not talking about smiling at the situation, although that may also be appropriate. Instead, we are talking about putting together a list of things for you to think about that simply bring a true heartfelt smile to your face. Whenever you are feeling down or unable to control your negative feelings, just consult your list and smile when you think of one or more of the things on the list. You can choose things like envisioning two kittens tumbling all over each other as they play; maybe a puppy barking at the TV because he sees another animal there; perhaps a cherished memory of a child, a family member, or a loved one. The better the vision or the memory, the more powerful the smile will be!
A simple and silly - but very effective - way to get positive energy flowing when you least feel like it is to simply focus on flowing positive energy. Choose a person, an inanimate object, a tree - anything. Just stare at the thing you have chosen and simply imagine overflowing it with love! Picture waves of goodness and positive vibrations emanating from you and being swallowed up by the object of your attention. Not only does this have the affect of stopping your negative energy flow simply because you have something else to focus on, but you get the humor factor going, too. If concentrating on how much you love a street sign, a dust bunny, or your shoelace doesn't bring a silly grin to your face, then nothing will!
Dance & Sing! Every one of us has songs that simply make us feel good. In fact, sometimes when we are relishing in a bath of (seemingly) well-deserved negativity, we WON'T listen to that song because we are enjoying the chance to wallow in self-pity. Rubbish! Negativity will get you nowhere, so turn that song on and sing! If you are not driving, then dance, too! The worse your singing voice is and the more you can't dance, the better you will feel for belting out the effort anyway!