Increase Your Feedcount With RssHugger

I discover about rsshugger from peoticmoney, which I click as a coincidence because I saw he giving a feedback at and I am glad I am click at his name. I learn about blogging and online earning because I want to find means that I get money. To my findings, it wasn’t easy. People can give you many tips, but what matter is building traffic. And that the hard part, building traffic is not easy. So, I tried finding means and ways I can increase traffic to my blog. And gladly tonight I found it at poetic money regarding RSShugger. I am not good explaining technical terms, so I quote from poeticmoney

rsshugger is It seems to be a feed syndication website, in which readers and bloggers alike can connect and view and subscribe to different feeds all from one place. The process is pretty simple, you simply sign up and write a post about rsshugger and your blog is added and start receiving traffic.

Once again I had to quote from poeticmoney

which by the way he or she ( sorry I do not know) quote from Mixed Market Arts

The Idea
rssHugger is a unique website that aims to bring bloggers and readers together. rssHugger aims to provide blog owners with a unique easy-to-use way to promote their blogs by sending them traffic, building backlinks for search engine opymization, as well as attracting new rss subscribers if the content is interesting to the reader. rssHugger aims to help visitors be able to easily find blogs that write about subjects they are interested in. These subjects include:internet marketing, making money online, charity, sports, gambling, and many more. If the visitors find a blog that they had not previously heard about, they can easily add it to their RSS readers or bookmark it.”

From what I understand, at first in order to participate, you have to pay $10 as initial fee but luckily for me and I believe many more out there that now anybody can add their blog for free by only making a post about rsshugger. But if you do not want to make a post about rsshugger there is an option to pay $20 fee.

This is the interesting facts. Rsshugger is developed by Collin Lahay. What I was shocked to read is this in the goal …………….. The money will be used to pay off college expenses, . …. Wow, that amazes me because is that mean he still student? I am ashamed of myself. Why I do not discover the habit of blogging two years ago or might my life will be different by now or maybe taking more computer class instead of depressing losing a friend that is worthless.

Now I just hope I will get approved from the rsshugger


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